About Stuart Everly WIlson

Stuart Everly-Wilson is an Australian writer living in Bundjalung country, Northern Rivers, New South Wales. His first published work, Low Expectations, was short-listed for the 2022 New South Wales Premier’s Glenda Adams Prize for best new writing. This staggeringly entertaining debut work was also long-listed for the Dublin International Literary Prize, 2022.

Courtesy State Library NSW : An aerial photo of the Clyde Brickworks, and North Auburn. The setting of Low Expectations.

“I took Stephen over to the tallest chimney, and I climbed inside. He followed. When we found our feet, we stared up the narrowing walls congealed with coral-like reefs of black soot. We lit smokes. Stephen started to blow smoke rings. Fine ones. Rings within rings. In the air as still as water fathoms deep, they floated like perfect bubbles…before shivering away into the darkness…”

Courtesy State Library NSW : An aerial photo of the Clyde Brickworks, and North Auburn. The setting of Low Expectations.

“I took Stephen over to the tallest chimney, and I climbed inside. He followed. When we found our feet, we stared up the narrowing walls congealed with coral-like reefs of black soot. We lit smokes. Stephen started to blow smoke rings. Fine ones. Rings within rings. In the air as still as water fathoms deep, they floated like perfect bubbles…before shivering away into the darkness…”

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